This review is for the Kindle preview version of DIY for Dummies.
Well it’s not bad as a DIY book, just not quite as good as the trusty old “Reader’s Digest” + “Collins” DIY manuals that have long been the go-to book for most British DIY’ers.
Found the suggested tools list a bit questionable, like it seems to suggest mole-grips pliers… but doesn’t mention the other types you also need (regular, longnose + sidecutters) for doing tasks that require more finesse than working on pipes, etc.
Also it suggests buying a neon mains tester as part of your toolkit. If you poke around on a certain well known video sharing website called Youtube at the channels of “PhotonicInduction” + “John Ward” (among a handful of others) you’ll see why you’d have to be a Dummy at DIY to use one…
Otherwise the rest of the book seems alright