Mirphak: The Luminous Heart of Perseus [AI Article]

In the northern sky, amidst the mythological constellation of Perseus, lies Mirphak, a celestial beacon whose brilliance outshines all others in its stellar family. Known formally as Alpha Persei and traditionally as Mirphak or Algenib, this star has been a point of fascination and study for astronomers and stargazers alike1.

A Supergiant’s Tale
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Sirius: The Luminous Custodian of the Winter Sky [AI Article]

Sirius, the jewel of the celestial sphere, known as Alpha Canis Majoris, reigns as the brightest star observed from Earth. Its name, befitting its status, is derived from the Ancient Greek ‘Seirios,’ meaning ‘glowing’ or ‘scorching.’ Situated in the constellation Canis Major, Sirius has been a source of wonder and veneration across cultures and epochs. Continue reading “Sirius: The Luminous Custodian of the Winter Sky [AI Article]”

Astronomers Discover Earth Sized Exoplanet With Life Potential

Today the Washington Examiner newspaper has an astronomy story about an exoplanet discovered in the Southern Hemisphere Constellation of Crater.

Located about 90 light years from Earth, the user friendly named “LP 791-18d” is slightly larger than Earth, tidally locked to it’s star, but has a large amount of Volcanic activity that could sustain an atmosphere.

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