Web Design Services

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In 2015 I decided to have a 2nd go at launching a web design business, this time under the identity of this AlltheInterweb brand I had been tinkering with as more of a hobby with the Web Directory and small Search Engine.

It properly launched in a bit of a rush in February 2016, funded by New Enterprise Allowance and Working Tax Credits.

The timing could’ve been better, as not long after I launched roughly co-incided with the time of a raft of changes, such as Google nagging about switching to Responsive Web Design (and AMP not long after that), which mean’t swapping out my tried and tested software for knocking together websites, and forking out money for a newer one called Mobirise. Then re-building the company website I’d just launched from scratch.

The basic premise of the business was the offer of a basic website for your business at a cost of £45 for the first 7 pages of the website, then £1 per page after that.

Also I offered the option of setting up a website from the scripts offered in your webhost’s CPANEL like the WordPress install this website you’re looking at right now runs on, for the reasonable price of £25.

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I decided to pack the damn thing in around the autumn of 2016 after the New Enterprise Allowance came to an end, leaving me with just £53 a week to live on.

What really f***ed the whole thing was that after all the efforts put in to advertise it, the bulk of the enquiries that came in mostly seemed to consist of enquiries from other people with a web design and seo business asking if my business (that offered web design and seo services) wanted a new company website built for it.

They still keep bloody doing it 4 or 5 years after I officially packed the bloody thing in.

Below is a list of some of the services offered……….

Websites designed for £45 for the first 7 pages, then £1 per page after that. Price doesn’t include extras like bringing in extra pictures from Fotolia or other clipart sites, or any sessions for on-site photography that might be required.

Websites built using your webhost’s cpanel based web builder tool = £25

I also offer Moderation / Admin services for your messageboard, chatroom, blog & comments features to keep things under control

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, and is the dark art of making your webpages get found more easily & placed higher up by the various Search Engines.

Just like painting the Forth Rail Bridge, SEO is a never ending time consuming task involving researching keywords, submitting URLs to Search Engines, creating & submitting sitemaps, and checking rankings.

If you would much rather by running your business than doing all that, this is where AlltheInterweb Web Design can help by doing all that for you.

SEO Bronze package £30 per month
SEO Silver package £50 per month
SEO Gold Package £100 per month
SEO Platinum Package £125 per month

Although we live in a world where businesses of all sizes need websites & online advertising & twitter accounts to make their presence felt, advertising the old fashioned way with flyers, leaflets, and so on still hasn’t quite died out.

To make these on a computer requires Desktop Publishing skills, and if you need these items knocking together because you don’t feel confident enough on a computer to do it yourself, Alltheinterweb Web Design can do it for you ready to print.

This can also save your business from having to fork out money on the software to do it yourself.

Having been a user of the interweb since summer 1999, I’ve been to a fair few messageboards + yahoo groups + Facebook pages & similar online discussion forums over the years, and created a fair few myself mostly out of frustration at weird standards of moderation at these places that defy belief.

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Most of which I put down to Yahoo Answers, Facebook & other big social networking sites being HQ’ed in California, home to the weird SJW types that Steven Crowder & Milo regularly have a crack at.

With AlltheInterweb Web Design placed in charge of your messageboard or social media presence, you can guarantee it will be run with 100% pure Yorkshire commonsense, which is the best sort.

This means that unlike certain popular websites such as Yahoo Answers + Wikipedia, people who post genuinely useful stuff will be left to their own devices, while unlike these well known popular websites, there shall not be a severe brain fade when dealing with people making a nuisance of themselves.

Getting plagues of forum spammers under control + hunting them down a speciality.

In order to make features on websites such as Online Stores, Messageboard forums, Guestbooks, Blogs & so on work require special scripts to make them work, which are programmed in the nerdier web programming languages such as CGI, PHP or ASP + MySQL (mind boggled enough yet?).

There are many excellent freely available scripts for doing this, which can be a bit mind boggling to install on a webserver + customise in your own style. Having been playing around with these since 2002, I can usually install most of them and get them running on your webhosting package, and I can do it for you for the princely sum of £35.

Although my web design skills do not extend to the ability of being able to scratch-build sites using CGI / PHP / ASP code, but at least being adjust bits of it as needed when doing installs of popular scripts, I can still offer you sites custom built using this method by sub-contracting it out via one of the Freelancing websites out there.

As these sort of websites are rather more complex to develop & get working than regular HTML websites like this one you’re looking at, pricing on these are a case of POA (Price On Application), but I’d probably budget from anywhere between £200 to £10,000+