Website Rules

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This page is a list of website rules for people using the AlltheInterweb family of websites, specifically the sections where it is possible to leave comments and post on the forums.

1) Don’t be an arsehole to admins or moderators of AlltheInterweb, as you will be banned

2) Don’t be an arsehole to other users of the site

3) Spam is not permitted in the comments or forums, and will be reported via StopForumSpam. There is a proper way of advertising on other people’s websites, and it is called Google Ads (or other similar services such as BuySellAds or whatever). Or ask nicely to be considered for inclusion the web directory.
Discreet links to personal websites, blogs + small business websites are ok when included in your profile page in the space provided, and in user signatures (where provided).

4) Impersonation of AlltheInterweb staff, including trying to log-in with their usernames is banned, and attempting to do so usually results in your network’s IP block to be banned indefinately.

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