How Did Crowdstrike Break Windows?

You may have seen in the news this past week that there has been a bit of disruption caused to essential services because somebody made a silly little mistake when updating a piece of security software called Crowdstrike.

This post has been cobbled together to try help anybody looking for a simple explaination of how did Crowdstrike break windows.

Continue reading “How Did Crowdstrike Break Windows?”

North Carolina: Over 224k People May Not Be Able to Vote Due to Missing Information

A small news website that big social media companies like to censor on a regular basis is reporting that over 200,000 people in North Carolina may not be able to vote due to information missing from voter rolls.

According to Gateway Pundit, there was a report in The Federalist that the records of 224,000 people in North Carolina are missing the last 4 digits of their Social Security Number (SSN) and their Drivers Licence ID number needed to confirm their registration on the voter rolls are genuine. Continue reading “North Carolina: Over 224k People May Not Be Able to Vote Due to Missing Information”

Texas Solar Farm Gets Whacked by Hail Storm

Sky News Aussie has a story on their website today about a Texas Solar Farm Getting Whacked by a Hail Storm, showing further flaws in the concept as a reliable form of energy.

Continue reading “Texas Solar Farm Gets Whacked by Hail Storm”

Whistleblower Claims Michael Avenatti Reportedly Revealed Michael Cohen Was Having Affair With Stormy Daniels

Earlier on a small news website that certain social media websites doesn’t like very much revealed a spot of sketchy activity between Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels may have been going on in order to extort a former and potentially future President of the United States.

West Yorkshire Mayor Candidate Tracy Brabin Blocks Locals Who Ask Questions

Yesterday morning I spotted a random twitter post from a user who had been blocked for asking West Yorkshire Mayor Candidate Tracy Brabin (UK Labour) simple questions about a certain School Teacher in Batley.

Back then it was hovering at around 1600 to 2400 views through the day, and checking it again this morning it appears to have exploded to over 16,000 views.

Many of the comments below seems to suggest her performance on the job so far leaves much to be desired. Continue reading “West Yorkshire Mayor Candidate Tracy Brabin Blocks Locals Who Ask Questions”

Peterborough MP Introduces New Law to Tackle Fly-tippers’ Online Adverts

It is being reported in the Peterborough Telegraph this morning that the city’s Conservative MP is pushing for a new law to tackly fly-tipping.

It doesn’t go into much further details other than making sure the advertising for service ensure they obtain and display a valid waste transfer licence. Continue reading “Peterborough MP Introduces New Law to Tackle Fly-tippers’ Online Adverts”

Enhancing Visibility on Bing: A Comprehensive Guide to SEO

In the intricate tapestry of search engine optimization, Bing emerges as a pivotal platform that extends beyond the shadow of its contemporaries, offering a distinctive amalgamation of opportunities for webmasters. The strategic optimization of your digital presence for Bing is not merely an exercise in broadening your audience reach; it is a calculated endeavor to harness a segment of the digital ecosystem that can catalyze substantial traffic to your online domain.

Delving into Bing’s SEO Paradigms

Bing’s philosophy towards SEO is characterized by its transparency, proffering lucid directives to webmasters for augmenting their site’s prominence. To navigate Bing’s SEO landscape, one must concentrate on several critical facets: Continue reading “Enhancing Visibility on Bing: A Comprehensive Guide to SEO”

Have Scientists Found the Cause of Long Covid?

Earlier while searching for news stories to share on AlltheInterweb through the blogs, twitter and facebook, I spotted an article about the condition known as “Long Covid”.

Basically it said scientists had found the possible cause of “Long Covid”, and found a possible link to low levels of Iron as the reason.

Based on that, I guess you could try Floradix and similar Iron Supplements as a Treatment for Long Covid. Continue reading “Have Scientists Found the Cause of Long Covid?”

AlltheInterweb Christmas on Twitter

Nearly a couple of weeks ago now I decided it was about time to start making the AlltheInterweb Christmas account active again on twitter, ready to try build some momentum for the Christmas Season of 2023.

Click Here to See the Latest Posts There. Continue reading “AlltheInterweb Christmas on Twitter”

Vegan Junk Diet Influencer Dies of Starvation

Today I saw the latest proof that veganism is extremely bad for the health…….