Farty the Farting Cat [AI Story]

In the enchanted land of Whiskerfield, nestled between the rolling Cotton Candy Hills and the sparkling Licorice Lake, there lived a cat unlike any other, known throughout the realms as Farty the Magnificent. Farty was no ordinary cat; he was blessed with a magical derrière that could produce the most melodious toots the world had ever heard.

Farty’s owner, the kind and eccentric witch Mrs. Tabbytoes, discovered his extraordinary talent during a particularly lively tea party with the local gnomes. As the laughter bubbled and the teacups clinked, a series of whimsical puffs echoed through the air, enchanting everyone present. It was Farty, sitting atop an old pumpkin, with a cheeky grin and a twinkle in his eye.

News of Farty’s gift spread like wildfire, and creatures from all corners of the fantasy realm flocked to Whiskerfield to witness his performances. Elves, fairies, and even the bashful unicorns would gather around, as Farty’s rear end serenaded them with everything from the haunting melodies of the Elven folk to the upbeat jigs of the fairy dance. Continue reading “Farty the Farting Cat [AI Story]”

What Does Really Screwed the Pooch Mean?

You may have heard this turn of phrase being used on social media when a person or organisation has screwed-up, but what does the term “Really Screwed the Pooch” actually mean? Does anyone even care?

In a quest to find something to blog about, I decided to try having a go at finding out, but then I got bored and left this as an unsaved draft from 9th November 2020 to 9th March 2024.

Thanks to advances in modern technology I’ve decided to let Bing have a crack at it…….. Continue reading “What Does Really Screwed the Pooch Mean?”

Puppy Attempts To Reclaim Bed From Cat

Spotted on video sharing website Rumble is this funny animal video of a Puppy trying to reclaim it’s bed from a cat.

Stupid Silly Stuff is in the process of creating video channels on YouTube and Rumble, so currently looking for donations for compilation videos including…. Continue reading “Puppy Attempts To Reclaim Bed From Cat”

Is the Interweb Running out of Jokes?

Is it just me, or are joke websites on the interweb dying out?

When I first arrived on the interweb some 19 summers ago, there were plenty of joke websites around. There was Jokes.com, a simple straight forward quality jokes website, that seems to have long since been taken over and merged into the comedy central website last time I looked. Continue reading “Is the Interweb Running out of Jokes?”

Regional Flavours

It is often said that girl’s thingies might smell of fish & taste of chicken, but what if they were regional flavoured?

If you chowed down on a Geordie Lass, would it taste of Newcastle Brown Ale?

If you chowed down on a girl from Norfolk, would it taste of Colman’s English Mustard?

Or would one from Boston (MA) in the USA taste of Clam Chowder?

Got any ideas for more possible flavours? Stick ’em in the box (the comments box, that is)……….