Keyboard Alt-Key short cuts:
Euro = Alt+0128 = €
Cents = Alt+0162 = ¢
GBP (pounds) = Alt+156 or Alt+0163 = £
Dollars = Alt+36 = $
Quarter = Alt+0188 = ¼
Half = Alt+0189 = ½
3 Quarters = Alt+0190 = ¾
Divide by symbol = Alt+0247 = ÷
Trademarked = Alt+0153 = ™
I often have to look these ones up up
Keyboard short cuts:
Euro = Alt+0128 = €
Cents = Alt+0162 = ¢
GBP (pounds) = Alt+156 or Alt+0163 = £
Dollars = Alt+36 = $
Quarter = Alt+0188 = ¼
Half = Alt+0189 = ½
3 Quarters = Alt+0190 = ¾
Divide by symbol = Alt+0247 = ÷
Trademarked = Alt+0153 = ™— AlltheInterWeb (@AlltheInterweb) April 4, 2024
How to type Euro Symbol
How to type cents symbol
How to type fractions