Quick and Easy Recipe to Make Cake Without Eggs

I came up with this recipe by myself recently by attempting some experimental baking recipes inbetween jobs getting dinner ready, and basically just winged it to see what would happen, after wondering if it was possible to make a cake without eggs.

The result turned out quite well, so I am writing it down here for the benefit of anybody who wants to make cake when they are short of ingredients, or they want cake but have an egg allergy, or they have other weird eating habits such as being a vegan.

Just like cooking anything else, the first 2 jobs you need to do is wash your hands properly before you start, and to turn the oven on to pre-heat it so that it is at the correct temperature by the time you’re ready to baked.

You’ll need to set the oven to 230°C (446°F, so call it 450°F-ish) to bake this thing. Continue reading “Quick and Easy Recipe to Make Cake Without Eggs”

North Carolina: Over 224k People May Not Be Able to Vote Due to Missing Information

A small news website that big social media companies like to censor on a regular basis is reporting that over 200,000 people in North Carolina may not be able to vote due to information missing from voter rolls.

According to Gateway Pundit, there was a report in The Federalist that the records of 224,000 people in North Carolina are missing the last 4 digits of their Social Security Number (SSN) and their Drivers Licence ID number needed to confirm their registration on the voter rolls are genuine. Continue reading “North Carolina: Over 224k People May Not Be Able to Vote Due to Missing Information”

How to Tell if Milk is Bad

One question I used to frequently see on Question and Answer websites such as the now defunct Yahoo Answers were ones about how to tell if milk is bad, as well as how long after the expiry date can you drink milk.

This article is here to try to give you a clear answer on how to tell if milk is bad, and probably best not to drink.

The most obvious way is to simply look at the label on the container, but even that is no guarantee it is still safe to. In my past experience I have found it is not unheard of for milk to expire a couple of days before the expiry date on the container. Usually just after I have put it on my cereal and it tastes weird. Continue reading “How to Tell if Milk is Bad”