How to Make Angel Delight Properly

Angel Delight is a cornflour based dessert that sets into a sort of mousse, and is a popular brand in the United Kingdom.
It ships in a sachet containing the powder needed to mix it, and is available in a bunch of flavours including:

At some point in the 1990’s they tweaked the formula of Angel Delight to try make it set faster, but the 5-minutes time to set they give on the current packaging is a bit optimistic.

Having seen a couple of the Americans Reacting to British Things style of YouTube channels attempt to mix some up they’ve had sent in the mail, I felt it necessary to write down the proper way to mix the stuff seeing as YouTube frequently deletes my attempts to do so in the comments. Continue reading “How to Make Angel Delight Properly”

Quick and Easy Recipe to Make Cake Without Eggs

I came up with this recipe by myself recently by attempting some experimental baking recipes inbetween jobs getting dinner ready, and basically just winged it to see what would happen, after wondering if it was possible to make a cake without eggs.

The result turned out quite well, so I am writing it down here for the benefit of anybody who wants to make cake when they are short of ingredients, or they want cake but have an egg allergy, or they have other weird eating habits such as being a vegan.

Just like cooking anything else, the first 2 jobs you need to do is wash your hands properly before you start, and to turn the oven on to pre-heat it so that it is at the correct temperature by the time you’re ready to baked.

You’ll need to set the oven to 230°C (446°F, so call it 450°F-ish) to bake this thing. Continue reading “Quick and Easy Recipe to Make Cake Without Eggs”

How to Cook Rice

Stuff Needed:

  • Long Grain Rice (about half a cup per person is usually enough)
  • Medium / large-ish saucepan
  • Water
  • Salt

tip: I prefer to use “Tilda Easy cook long grain rice” when doing rice, as it doesn’t go too sticky / PVA glue-like if you accidently leave it cooking too long (unlike some of the cheaper supermarket own-label packets of long grain rice). Uncle Ben’s was good too (until it’s woke name change). Continue reading “How to Cook Rice”

How Long To Boil An Egg?

This is apparently a very popular question searched for on a well known popular search engine on the interweb.

The answer to the question of How long it takes to boil an egg is fairly simple.

For a soft boiled egg, it generally takes about 3 or 4 minutes, not including the time it takes to get the pan of water up to “cooking speed” before you put the egg in it: basically when the water appears to start to bubble is when it is boiling, and suitable for boiling things such as an egg for a set period of time. Continue reading “How Long To Boil An Egg?”