North Carolina: Over 224k People May Not Be Able to Vote Due to Missing Information

A small news website that big social media companies like to censor on a regular basis is reporting that over 200,000 people in North Carolina may not be able to vote due to information missing from voter rolls.

According to Gateway Pundit, there was a report in The Federalist that the records of 224,000 people in North Carolina are missing the last 4 digits of their Social Security Number (SSN) and their Drivers Licence ID number needed to confirm their registration on the voter rolls are genuine. Continue reading “North Carolina: Over 224k People May Not Be Able to Vote Due to Missing Information”

Whistleblower Claims Michael Avenatti Reportedly Revealed Michael Cohen Was Having Affair With Stormy Daniels

Earlier on a small news website that certain social media websites doesn’t like very much revealed a spot of sketchy activity between Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels may have been going on in order to extort a former and potentially future President of the United States.

West Yorkshire Mayor Candidate Tracy Brabin Blocks Locals Who Ask Questions

Yesterday morning I spotted a random twitter post from a user who had been blocked for asking West Yorkshire Mayor Candidate Tracy Brabin (UK Labour) simple questions about a certain School Teacher in Batley.

Back then it was hovering at around 1600 to 2400 views through the day, and checking it again this morning it appears to have exploded to over 16,000 views.

Many of the comments below seems to suggest her performance on the job so far leaves much to be desired. Continue reading “West Yorkshire Mayor Candidate Tracy Brabin Blocks Locals Who Ask Questions”

Boris Johnson and Nadine Dorries Quit UK Parliament

Friday saw 2 Members of Parliament from the Conservative Party quit with immediate effect.

There was a resignation from Boris Johnson, the former Prime Minister and former Mayor of London, who quit after being hounded out of the PM job and his MP job for eating cake.

This was followed by the resignation of Nadine Dorries, a former cabinet member and former nurse. She was planning to resign at the next election, but Boris Johnson quitting seems to have expedited things.

Rumours were swirling that there may be others about to quit in order to give coup PM Sunak the finger. Continue reading “Boris Johnson and Nadine Dorries Quit UK Parliament”

Mark Levin Gives Opinion on Trump Indictment

On Thursday former President Donald Trump was indicted, and Mark Levin gave his opinion on the issue on Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News the same night.

Mark Levin is known as “The Great One”, and regarded as one of the top experts on legal matters and particularly the United States Constitution. He previously served as chief of staff to a former Attorney General during the Reagan administration.

Suffice to say he was NOT impressed at the actions of the current DOJ. Check Out this Must Watch Video below to see just how furious he was. Continue reading “Mark Levin Gives Opinion on Trump Indictment”

New Study Confirms That Radical Leftists Are Messed-up in the Head

A new study from researchers at the University of Bern in Switzerland has confirmed that people who follow Radical Leftist politics are messed-up in the head.

The study found that radical leftism is linked to both psychopathic tendencies and narcissism.

Past attempts to investigate left-wing authoritarianism have been downplayed or met with skepticism in the leftist-dominated academy. Continue reading “New Study Confirms That Radical Leftists Are Messed-up in the Head”

Poll Shows Massachusetts Senator Warren on Course to Lose Re-Election to US Senate

Earlier I saw that Breitbart News was reporting a “shock poll” showing that Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts was on course to lose her bid for re-election to the United States Senate.

The Democrat Party Senator for Massachusetts known also by the nicknames of “Pocahontas” and “Fauxcahontas” is apparently lagging well behind in the polls to former GOP Governor Charlie Baker.

Continue reading “Poll Shows Massachusetts Senator Warren on Course to Lose Re-Election to US Senate”