Google to Delete Idle Accounts at the end of 2023

This week it was announced that Google are going to start deleting a bunch of idle, unused accounts at the end of 2023 to free up space.

The move is also to tighten security, with accounts using compromised passwords and those who failed to do a security check for a significant length of time under threat. Continue reading “Google to Delete Idle Accounts at the end of 2023”

Google to Scrap Search Results for Silly Search Terms

About 11 days ago some news stories were floating around that Google was scrapping it’s search engine results for some of the more stupid questions that people search for.

Google is to stop giving quick answers to silly questions as it seeks to improve its ‘featured snippets’ tool.

The service – which sometimes shows up as a response to direct questions asked of the search engine – has previously fallen foul of spreading false information.

These search terms include:

  • When did Snoopy assassinate Abraham Lincoln?
  • How to get in touch with the Illuminati
  • Can I remove a tick with my teeth?
  • Who is King of the United States?
  • Is Obama planning a coup?
  • Why are Firetrucks Red?
  • Presidents in the Klan
  • How to get a date
  • Are women evil?
  • What happened to the Dinosaurs?

The results given in the snippets tool were BS, hence the action taken by Google.

Click Here to try out some search ideas to try on Google that are more sensible, or maybe Click Here to find used Domain Names for your website projects

Tech Censorship News (23rd May 2020 Edition)

A couple of incidents of tech censorship I’ve seen pop up in my timeline today, and also the past week.

Education platform PragerU have been complaining that a video they created about climate change has been falsely labelled as “false information” by Facebook “fact checkers” who seem to think they know more about climate change than the experienced MIT Professor in the video, who just happens to be the world’s leading atmospheric scientist. Continue reading “Tech Censorship News (23rd May 2020 Edition)”