Tech Censorship News (23rd May 2020 Edition)

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A couple of incidents of tech censorship I’ve seen pop up in my timeline today, and also the past week.

Education platform PragerU have been complaining that a video they created about climate change has been falsely labelled as “false information” by Facebook “fact checkers” who seem to think they know more about climate change than the experienced MIT Professor in the video, who just happens to be the world’s leading atmospheric scientist.

Meanwhile, Google have removed personal files from the Google Drive of a “World renowned PhD Biomedical Research Scientist” to try prevent people seeing a thing called “Plandemic”.

The “Computing Forever” guy on YouTube has also been complaining of censorship issues after an interview with a professor was removed from his channel.

And also PragerU have also been complaining about Social Media attempts to censor a video about polar bears with an actual expert on polar bears.

25th May Updated:
Nearly forgot this absolute classic from last week – Conservative media personality Michelle Malkin, the founder of Twitter news website Twitchy + soon to be a host on Newsmax [view channel on YouTube]  posted a video about Tech censorship on Twitter, which then got deleted by Twitter when President Donald Trump retweeted the video.

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