Is the Interweb Running out of Jokes?

Is it just me, or are joke websites on the interweb dying out?

When I first arrived on the interweb some 19 summers ago, there were plenty of joke websites around. There was, a simple straight forward quality jokes website, that seems to have long since been taken over and merged into the comedy central website last time I looked. Continue reading “Is the Interweb Running out of Jokes?”

Buy Smarter, Save Money, Get Richer

In my quest to become no longer broke asf, I’ve read many books about how to make money and/or how to become rich, even if it was in most cases just the preview from the Kindle Store.

I’ve also see a number of video tutorials on YouTube from various guru type people. Continue reading “Buy Smarter, Save Money, Get Richer”

How to Stop Toothache

When you’re suffering from toothache, it is generally advised that you get yourself round to the dentists as soon as possible.

However, sods law dictates that you can usually guarantee that a tooth pain will probably strike you down when that isn’t an option, such as you’re miles from anywhere in the great outdoors on a trip at home or abroad, or when your regular dentist is booked solid with appointments with other patients, and other issues along these lines.

This blog article is intended to provide solutions to keep your ass covered in these types of common situations. Continue reading “How to Stop Toothache”