How Did Crowdstrike Break Windows?

You may have seen in the news this past week that there has been a bit of disruption caused to essential services because somebody made a silly little mistake when updating a piece of security software called Crowdstrike.

This post has been cobbled together to try help anybody looking for a simple explaination of how did Crowdstrike break windows.

Continue reading “How Did Crowdstrike Break Windows?”

Windows 10 Desktop Icons Grey X glitch

Short of ideas of what to write about next, my PC has seemingly decided to help out by creating a weird glitch to try figure out how to fix a few moments ago.

Reaching to double-click the Desktop icon to open Second Life, I noticed upon minimising my web browser to shift it out the way that a number of desktop icons had developed a large grey X next to the vast majority of them.

A search to figure out the solution suggests I ain’t the only person to have experienced this gremlin with Windows10 over the past couple of years.

I figured it out myself eventually. Just Right-Click on any part of the desktop where there isn’t an icon to bring up the menu, and click “refresh”. Job done, desktop icons back to normal.

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Best free software to keep your computer going

I did a “best free software” thing like that over at the now half-dead AlltheSocialnet social networking site I had a crack at running, so thought to kick off AlltheInterweb’s new blog I’d do a series of similiar articles.

1) AVIRA Free Anti-Virus (Click Here)
Regarded as the best free Anti-virus software for your Windows based PC, and I’ve only just recently switched back to it after a year or two of using ZoneAlarm Free Anti-Virus & Firewall.

2) Comodo Free Firewall (Click Here)
According to other sources this is the strongest free firewall you can get, I’d used it in the past, and have just switched back to using it again after my long time favourite ZoneAlarm Free Firewall had gotten too annoying in it’s most recent versions.

3) Spybot: Search & Destroy (Click Here)
Protects your PC from spyware & browser hijackers, etc + has other tools built into it too.

4) Ashampoo WinOptimizer (Click Here)
Has a number of tools for maintaining your PC, and keeping it running quick.

5) DeFraggler (Click Here)
Defragmenting tool from the creators of CCLEANER

6) Recuva (Click Here)
Tool for recovering accidently deleted files, from the creators of CCLEANER + DeFraggler.

7) Malwarebytes (Click Here)
Another free software to remove nasties from your PC

8) HitMan Pro (Click Here)
Another brilliant piece of software to scan your PC for crap that shouldn’t be on it.