Iron Deficiency: What You Need to Know [AI Article]

Iron deficiency, a prevalent nutritional disorder, manifests when the body’s iron reserves are insufficient, precipitating anemia and a constellation of symptoms. This extended article delves into the intricacies of iron deficiency, elucidating its symptoms, etiology, potential complications, diagnostic modalities, therapeutic interventions, and preventive strategies.

Iron Deficiency: An In-Depth Exploration of Its Manifestations, Origins, and Management

Iron deficiency stands as the foremost nutritional deficiency globally and is the primary cause of anemia. It indiscriminately affects individuals across the lifespan, with pregnant women and young children being particularly susceptible. Continue reading “Iron Deficiency: What You Need to Know [AI Article]”

Have Scientists Found the Cause of Long Covid?

Earlier while searching for news stories to share on AlltheInterweb through the blogs, twitter and facebook, I spotted an article about the condition known as “Long Covid”.

Basically it said scientists had found the possible cause of “Long Covid”, and found a possible link to low levels of Iron as the reason.

Based on that, I guess you could try Floradix and similar Iron Supplements as a Treatment for Long Covid. Continue reading “Have Scientists Found the Cause of Long Covid?”

New Study Confirms That Radical Leftists Are Messed-up in the Head

A new study from researchers at the University of Bern in Switzerland has confirmed that people who follow Radical Leftist politics are messed-up in the head.

The study found that radical leftism is linked to both psychopathic tendencies and narcissism.

Past attempts to investigate left-wing authoritarianism have been downplayed or met with skepticism in the leftist-dominated academy. Continue reading “New Study Confirms That Radical Leftists Are Messed-up in the Head”

Lose Weight: 3 Books to Help You Get Fitter, Healthier and Lose Weight in 2019

The time is fast approaching when it’s the time of year for people to make New Year’s resolutions they probably won’t keep anyway, such as trying to lose weight.

Trying to get fitter and healthier is apparently quite a popular one, but not everyone knows the right way to go about it, and end up struggling to lose weight.

There are many things people think are healthy that aren’t really, and equally a number of things that people think are bad for you that are actually quite good for you as long as you don’t go too nuts with the quantities consumed, or you don’t have allergies to them.

There are many online guru type people completely full of s**t promoting things that are “healthy” which are actually dangerous to the point of being lethal if you try use them to lose weight.

To cut through the bs, I’ve come across 3 books to lose weight that make quite interesting reading, and will set you on a genuine path to a lifestyle that will get you actually fit & healthy, and hopefully lose weight Continue reading “Lose Weight: 3 Books to Help You Get Fitter, Healthier and Lose Weight in 2019”

How to Stop Toothache

When you’re suffering from toothache, it is generally advised that you get yourself round to the dentists as soon as possible.

However, sods law dictates that you can usually guarantee that a tooth pain will probably strike you down when that isn’t an option, such as you’re miles from anywhere in the great outdoors on a trip at home or abroad, or when your regular dentist is booked solid with appointments with other patients, and other issues along these lines.

This blog article is intended to provide solutions to keep your ass covered in these types of common situations. Continue reading “How to Stop Toothache”