Try Again with SEO Services?

Thoughts are being made on making another stab at offering SEO Services from AlltheInterweb.

But if the last attempt was anything to go by I’m now expecting to get spammed by a bunch of people offering SEO Services asking if my SEO Services outlet needs SEO Services to boost it’s ranking on Google and Bing. Continue reading “Try Again with SEO Services?”

How to Get Web Traffic Free

Get Web Traffic is apparently only worth 10 to 100 Google Searches a month on average, but is worth $4.38 to $17.20 in advertising value.

Webmasters need to Get Web Traffic in order to Make Money Online from people viewing the adverts on their website.

Make Money Online fairs better, and is worth 100,000 to 1,000,000 searches a month, thats 100k to 1-million searches on Google. But is “only” worth $1.02 to $3.03 in advertising value.

Get Web Traffic fairs less well on Bing, not showing enough data for the previous 6-months before this blog post about How to Get Web Traffic Free was knocked together.

There are many ways of Getting Free Traffic to your Website in order to Make Money Online. Continue reading “How to Get Web Traffic Free”

Is Alexa Ranking Important?

It often seems to get asked if Alexa ranking is important.

By Alexa Ranking, I’m not referring to the Amazon Alexa inside the Echo tech gadget thing but the web traffic anlysis company that’s a subsidiary of Amazon that provides a global ranking of website popularity.
For Instance at time of writing this thing: = #1 = #2 = #3 = #20 = #41 = #4598 = #13,586,653 (but have been higher in the past, almost to top 500k) = #4946
Steemit = #19637
Continue reading “Is Alexa Ranking Important?”

AlltheInterweb Starts To Advertise Again

After Months of being broke asf, AlltheInterweb has resumed attempting to advertise again (still on a smaller scale than I’d like to be able to, but I guess it’s a start).

I’ve started with a text ad campaign (see images above) to promote the UK Jobs section in the Web Directory.

UK Job Advert Listings
British Job Adverts

While waiting to resume to this stage, I have been intensely studying the tips & tricks to make it work from some of the best minds in the business.

How to make money online by blogging

If you’re reading this, you may already know what a blog is. If not, then a blog can be used to write a personal diary or as a platform to write online articles similar to the kind of thing that’ve been appearing in Newspapers & Magazines for years.

Many people do this, and don’t earn s***, probably because they aren’t that fussed about earning from their blog, but in other cases they just don’t really know how to do it properly, or they just don’t put the effort in.

There are other people who do this, who claim to make $1000’s doing it, and even write books to boast about it and tell other people how to go about doing it. I’ve had a flick through many of these books recently, and they pretty much all say the same thing without being maybe as truly helpful as they could.

There are even people who have become millionaires from blogging, and it may be possible for you to do the same, but you’ll have a hell of alot of work ahead of you laying the foundation stones to be able to get there.

If you want to have a go at this yourself, you will need the following things:

1) An idea about what you want to write about, think of a topic that you’re actually interested in, know about enough to not look like a moron when you’re writing about it, and have the willpower to write about on a regular basis.

Most of these books about blogging suggest trying to find a specific niche on the topic to write about, but not one so weird there’d be a very limited people wanting to read it. For instance “How to make money blogging” is probably more likely to attract readers than “How to make money by giving elephants nipple piercings”.

2) Energy….. if you’re totally knackered you’re gonna have quite a struggle engaging your brain to assemble words to use in your blog posts in a way that makes sense, if any at all.

3) Time… let’s face it, writing takes a while to do…… but you can also write a crapload of blogs at once (providing you don’t over-burden yourself to the point you get bits of them mixed up), and set the blog website to release them to the world at a set time if needs be.

4) A blogging platform…. there are numerous options, with Free WordPress, Blogger/Blogspot + WordPress hosted via paid webhosting among the most popular.

5) Advertising to make money from your blog posts by monetising them. The most popular choices are Google AdSense + Amazon Associates, which I’ve also found to be the most reliable for payouts.

6) SEO & PPC Advertising Skills, to bring people to your blog to click on the adverts that will earn you money.

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimisation”, and is the dark art of tweaking your website to play nicely with the search engine robots when they come to visit your website to gather information to add your pages to the listings on the various Search Engines.

PPC stands for “Pay Per Click”, and is a form of advertising where the owner of the pages an advert is displayed on gets paid when someone clicks on it. Just as you need it to earn money on your own pages, you also need to run adverts through it to display adverts to your blog site on other people’s websites to bring people to your site in the hopes they will click on your adverts.

There are popular options including Google AdWords, Facebook Ads + Bing Ads. It can cost from as little as a tenner a month, through to well over $300/£300+ a month.

7) Social Media accounts to promote the blog and lure people in to read your content. All the usual suspects: Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, etc.

8) Software, to make running the blog more painless & look more professional…….. you may want to consider graphics software, image editing software, video editing software + SEO Software for starters.

If you liked this article, check out our one on Youtubing, which you can use to earn an extra stream of online cash alongside your Blog.

Also, don’t forget to share the crap out of this article using the buttons below if you found it useful.

How to use AlltheInterweb Pixels to promote your website

This part of our site is ideal for promoting your website via banner / link exchange by posting it to one of our grids, and is based on the Million Dollar Homepage, a Pixel Advertising website created by Alex Tew a number of years back.

In order to place your advert on the website……
1) Create an account so you can create & edit your advert(s)

2) Click the Get Pixels link at the top of the page.

3) Click the “Buy Pixels” button associated with the particular grid you want to place your advert on

4) Click & Drag on the area you want to place your advertising image on, the area you select doesn’t have to be the size of your image (e.g. standard 768×90, 468×60, 300×300, 300×250 advertising banners), as the script that makes this site work will scale it down to the size of the grid area you selected automatically upon completion of your order…………. Then click “Continue”

5) Select or Upload your image

6) Fill out the information requested to link the advertising image back to your website.

7) After that it’s pretty self explainatory… any payments will be processed via Paypal, or if you selected the Freebie Pixels grid, select one of our advertising banners from the Link to Us page by copy & pasting the HTML code into the webpage you’re linking your banner advert to.

AlltheInterweb Pixels

8) After your advert gets activated, it will be displayed on our website for 90 days and will be shown via the following URLs on AlltheInterweb & our sister websites……

AlltheInterweb Now does Web Design

AlltheInterweb now offers Web Design services, as a new part of the website, in the form of an actual business I’m setting up via the UK Government’s NEA scheme for self-employment.
You’ll find further details HERE on the website I made for the web design service.