AlltheInterweb Christmas on Twitter

Nearly a couple of weeks ago now I decided it was about time to start making the AlltheInterweb Christmas account active again on twitter, ready to try build some momentum for the Christmas Season of 2023.

Click Here to See the Latest Posts There. Continue reading “AlltheInterweb Christmas on Twitter”

Funny Cat Videos on the Interweb

Recently the owner of AlltheInterweb purchased the domain name to see if it will help nail search engine rankings for the popular keyword “Funny Cat Videos“, and also to create a social media presence for sharing funny cat videos.

The first draft of the website for funny cat videos has just gone live on our webspace, and it’s still so new I’ve yet to add it to Google + Bing webmaster tools for getting it listed in the well known popular search engines. Continue reading “Funny Cat Videos on the Interweb”

Try Again with SEO Services?

Thoughts are being made on making another stab at offering SEO Services from AlltheInterweb.

But if the last attempt was anything to go by I’m now expecting to get spammed by a bunch of people offering SEO Services asking if my SEO Services outlet needs SEO Services to boost it’s ranking on Google and Bing. Continue reading “Try Again with SEO Services?”

AlltheInterweb Updates: Messageboard Forums

After an extended delay due to technical reasons and other events, work finally got underway the other day to create a new version of AlltheInterweb Forums / AlltheInterweb Answers.

This will see the current forums built using the Asgaros forum plugin for wordpress that’s built into the blog get replaced with a phpBB based thing linked to the forums with a “bridge” plugin to connect the two.

The improvements should see improved functionality with spam controls that actually work, and a return of my old tactic of using the naughty words filter as an additional tool to keep forum spam under control.

I am also hoping the forum upgrade will result in a better layout for the assorted topic sections.

AlltheInterweb Messageboard Forums Ask Questions, Get Answers, Join Free - AlltheInterweb Forums

Yahoo Answers is Ending, Check out AlltheInterweb Forums

Yahoo is apparently canning their “Yahoo Answers” website soon (having previously also got shot of Yahoo Groups)…. visit AlltheInterweb Forums as an alternative

The NEW(ish) home of AlltheInterweb Answers + other community forums run by AlltheInterweb previously under a variety of other names.

AlltheInterweb Motors Update Being Planned

AlltheInterweb Motors is a section of the website I started around 2013 aimed at fellow petrolheads and to try better put to use the car links section of the old web directory.

In 2017, as with many of my other online properties I re-launched it with a Responsive Web Design makeover while experimenting with Mobirise to try get the hang of knocking together websites via that new fangled method.

As that section ended up getting neglected (and other issues), I’m aiming to give that section another makeover to update the links on it and better integrated it into this blog, as I plan to shortly with the front end of the website.

Main thought so far is better connecting it to the car forum section here on the blogs, with the original forum currently toast due to some sort of change in CGI/Perl that means the damn thing no longer appears when you go to the link

AlltheInterweb Update In The Works

This week I finally started the first moves to try improve the front part of AlltheInterweb to reflect recent changes to the Interweb.

These changes will appear when they appear, and made to try make this website more simple and tidier.

The existing front end was first unleashed at some point in 2017 after making the switch from my favoured Netobjects Fusion to Mobirise web design software, and incorporated links to parts of AlltheInterweb that have recently had to be discontinued.

The new version of the website will still use Mobirise, just to a lesser extent, in order to make more use of this WordPress part of the website you’re on now.

I only really switched to Mobirise because Google had started nagging about using Responsive Web Design. Continue reading “AlltheInterweb Update In The Works”

AlltheInterweb Movie Reviews

In the on-going quest to Make AlltheInterweb Great Again, I have started contemplating making better use of the Entertainment section of this blog with Movie Reviews.

Being the first month of the year I’m once again starting to see fresh flickers of life in my quest to become one of the more successful content creator type people here on the interweb. Continue reading “AlltheInterweb Movie Reviews”

Web Design Chit Chat Forum Relocates

I’ve officially moved the old “Web Design Chit Chat” forum I had into being part of the forums on this blog due to issues resulting from my webhosts upgrade of Perl versions causing the original to no longer work, and it being too much of a pain in the butt getting it going again along with many other special interest forums I’ve run on the same forum software over the years.

CLICK HERE to visit the forum section and read more.

CLICK HERE to visit the rest of the old Web Design Chit Chat website.

AlltheInterweb Site Reviews

One of the main things I have been meaning to include as part of the blog is an attempt at doing regular reviews of other people’s websites as part of AlltheInterweb‘s core mission to help you find all the interweb sites you’ll ever need.

However there hasn’t been much of a reason to motivate me into making that a priority.

That seems to have changed in the past month or so after 2 websites I was starting to like managed to p*ss me off by giving me a reminder why the moderator teams on other people’s websites never really inspire me with confidence that they’ve got a clue what they’re doing and motivate me to try to provide more sensible alternatives as best I can with my currently limited resources.

Watch this space for the reviews