HP Disables Printers That Aren’t Using Genuine Ink Cartridges

This morning the Daily Mail is reporting that Hewlett Packard (HP) has released a firmware update for it’s printers that disables them if they aren’t using Genuine HP Ink.

As you can imagine, this has got their customers pretty annoyed as it means they can’t use cheaper options than a Genuine cartridge from HP costing £15 to £30 or more.

It was apparently done via a remote update, and means users can’t print documents if the cartridge doesn’t have an HP chip for the printer to recognise.

Rumble’s New Online Advertising Platform Gets First Publisher

BonginoReport has posted on Truth Social an article from TPostMillennial that Truth Social has become the first Publisher to use the new advertising platform offered by growing video sharing website Rumble.

Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG) announced in a press release on Tuesday that it has reached an agreement with video-sharing platform Rumble. Truth Social, TMTG’s social media platform, describes itself as a “Big Tech alternative that seeks to create a free-speech haven without viewpoint discrimination or oppressive censorship.”

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Yahoo Answers is Ending, Check out AlltheInterweb Forums

Yahoo is apparently canning their “Yahoo Answers” website soon (having previously also got shot of Yahoo Groups)…. visit AlltheInterweb Forums as an alternative



The NEW(ish) home of AlltheInterweb Answers + other community forums run by AlltheInterweb previously under a variety of other names.

Web Hosting Services

If you need web hosting services for your company, or some other project involving a website or blog, then this is a company you may want to place at the top of your list of choices.

They are one of the largest web hosting companies in the world, and I have been using them since 2002.

They are one of the most reliable, with a 99.9% uptime guarantee and they are also one of the most secure. Continue reading “Web Hosting Services”

Lost Their Damn Minds(.com)

Earlier in the year (about June), I promised I would start trying to do some website reviews here on the blogs in my quest to create content.

Some months later I’m in the mood to try get back to doing some blogging / content creation type stuff again, so here is the attempt at the first website review.

It probably won’t be as fiery as I originally had in mind, as many weeks have passed since they p*ssed me off, but lets try anyway.

I originally heard about the site on the recommendation of the “Computing Forever” guy off YouTube & Bitchute (Irish bloke named Dave).

It is an alternative social media website called Minds, for people frustrated with some of the more popular social media websites having developed a bit of an itchy trigger finger on the ban button in recent years on people wishing to exercise free speech on even the most mundane topics.

It apparently rewards you with Crytocurrency for posting. Continue reading “Lost Their Damn Minds(.com)”

Yahoo Groups to Get Canned

It has recently come to my attention that the managed decline of Yahoo is set to continue with the binning of another of the parts of their website I’ve most frequently used over the years.

This time it is the Yahoo Groups feature.

Web service provider Yahoo is to close its ill-fated social media platform, Yahoo Groups, in the coming weeks, as it has seen “a steady decline in usage” over the last several years.

Its closure means that users will no longer be able send or receive messages from their group members.

“Thank you for helping us build one of the earliest digital communities – we’re proud and honoured to have forged countless connections over the last 20 years and played a small part in helping build your communities,” a statement from Yahoo said.

I’m still on the backfoot after they previously canned Yahoo Messenger service.

Apparently you can read more about the latest installment of their managed decline here.

Don’t forget there is a messageboard chat forum here on AlltheInterweb Blogs that you can use to talk about a variety of topics like you’ll no longer be able to with Yahoo.

AlltheInterweb Site Reviews

One of the main things I have been meaning to include as part of the blog is an attempt at doing regular reviews of other people’s websites as part of AlltheInterweb‘s core mission to help you find all the interweb sites you’ll ever need.

However there hasn’t been much of a reason to motivate me into making that a priority.

That seems to have changed in the past month or so after 2 websites I was starting to like managed to p*ss me off by giving me a reminder why the moderator teams on other people’s websites never really inspire me with confidence that they’ve got a clue what they’re doing and motivate me to try to provide more sensible alternatives as best I can with my currently limited resources.

Watch this space for the reviews

Woke Advertisers Boycott Facebook

I have been seeing reports lately that a number of advertisers have announced that they are boycotting placing adverts on well known popular social media website Facebook.

They claim this is because of concerns the social network has failed to crack down on “hate speech” and “incitements to violence”.

Continue reading “Woke Advertisers Boycott Facebook”

Dealing With Mean Comments

Some weeks ago on a support group for YouTube Content Creator type people on Facebook I answered a post asking how to deal with mean comments on videos on your YouTube channel.

I have been meaning to copy & paste my answer into this blog in order to create a blog post like this that puts it where it can be seen more widely, and allows me to expand on it a bit and use less fluffy language if needed without having to worry about tech censorship problems.

Unfortunately now that I have finally gotten round to starting this thing, I can’t find the original post in the facebook group, so can’t access my answers to it in order to make writing this blog more easy to write, so it looks like I’ll have to try do it best I can from memory. Continue reading “Dealing With Mean Comments”

How to Make Money on YouTube

I keep seeing this question asked repeatedly on Yahoo Answers and assorted support pages / groups for Youtubers over on Facebook.

I decided to cobble together this blog post to try save having to repeat typing the same thing over and over again. Not least because of Yahoo Answer’s latest stupid trick of seeming to shadow ban your answers if you go back to edit it for assorted reasons, such as it made a mess of a link to a helpful video explaining something in more detail by tagging the start of the next sentence onto the end of the url to the video. Continue reading “How to Make Money on YouTube”