How to Get Web Traffic Free

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Get Web Traffic is apparently only worth 10 to 100 Google Searches a month on average, but is worth $4.38 to $17.20 in advertising value.

Webmasters need to Get Web Traffic in order to Make Money Online from people viewing the adverts on their website.

Make Money Online fairs better, and is worth 100,000 to 1,000,000 searches a month, thats 100k to 1-million searches on Google. But is “only” worth $1.02 to $3.03 in advertising value.

Get Web Traffic fairs less well on Bing, not showing enough data for the previous 6-months before this blog post about How to Get Web Traffic Free was knocked together.

There are many ways of Getting Free Traffic to your Website in order to Make Money Online.

One of the most important things to do to Get Web Traffic is to use SEO to make your website play nicely with well known popular Interweb Search Engines such as Google and Bing.

SEO is short for Search Engine Optimisation (or Search Engine Optimization in American English).

Using SEO is basically tinkering with the wording on your website to make it work better with the search engines. Getting it right can be a bit of a dark art, no matter how many reference guides and videos you have seen on to do it.

It can even be a bit of a lottery if you pay an SEO Professional to do the job for you, as while some are genuinely good, others may be a clown who thinks they can do SEO just because they’ve read about it and done a class.

Using SEO to Get Web Traffic is much like entering the lottery or playing Bingo. Sometimes it will work within the same hour or day, other times it can be days or weeks before it starts to pay off.

A Quicker way to Get Web Traffic is to engage in a spot of Social Media Marketing, basically sharing your content to well known popular Social Media Websites to let people know you created some for all the interweb to see.

The most important Social Networking Websites to worry about getting traffic from are Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Reddit.

You can do this with the aid of Social Sharing Buttons such as the ones on this website from Sassy Social Share, and previously AddThis.

There are more sketchy ways to Get Web Traffic, but they won’t do much for your advertising revnue or rankings, and that is to use Traffic Exchange websites such as Traffic Swarm, 10k Hits, and EasyHits4U (to name a few of the better ones).

Check Out AlltheInterweb’s Webmaster Tools page in the Web Directory for more Website Advancement Opportunities to Get Traffic to your website Free.

After this your only other hope to Get Web Traffic is to use popular online advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Microsoft Advertising, Twitter Ads, Facebook Ads, Reddit Ads, Pinterest Ads, BuySellAds and various other providers such as ye olde (Comission Junction). These Cost Money.

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