Thinks No Longer

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Some years ago I used to drop by a website with java wordsearch games and things like that, it was called (link from web archive snapshot)

Today I randomly remembered it and decided to drop by to see how it was doing, and it would appear to have been taken over by some sort of German product design company.

This kind of adds to my web gaming woes, as I’ve been having assorted gremlins with other sites (mostly flash based) ever since switching to Windows 10 and the latest versions of Google Chrome last year.

There is a web games section here on AlltheInterweb that I never really got to finish before a hard drive failure curtailed things, and I started a new version of that, but got side-tracked on it because of other projects + because I haven’t got all my web game files to hand any more + I’m doing it in different website design software, which complicates things.

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